"Show 'N Tell" at our meetings. Remember, you can also bring buttons that feature designs that include: Balloons, Birds, Bicycles, Bows, Bugs, Buffaloes and more!
Background A contrasting material like wood, pearl or metal, etc. that is used as a surface to better show off the design of the button
Bakelite Buttons made from Bakelite, an early synthetic plastic. www.google.com/search?q=Bakelite+buttons&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8ye_nqarOAhVIQSYKHe5nAKAQsAQIQQ&biw=1440&bih=726
Bamboo Dry grass from the plant that is usually tan in color and displays porous ends. www.indiamart.com/proddetail/bamboo-buttons-2088947262.html
Bark The rough outside layer of wood or vegetable ivory nuts that was left on to add to the decoration of the button.
Bauxite Buttons made from this distinctive ore were imported from Moengo more than 50 years ago -- none were made in the US. They were crudely carved featuring pink to deep mahogany red. www.cafepress.com/+bauxite_aluminium_ore_mini_button,1120600594
Beads Bead decorations on buttons including beads sewn on fabric.
Berry Tip Pre-molded contrasting colored glass tip (resembles a raspberry) that was used on round or cone-shaped glass buttons. www.pinterest.com/pin/30258628726255531/
Birdcage A "Small China" button with an added V-shaped back, which includes four holes
Black Glass Of the two categories of glass buttons -- (1) Clear and Colored Glass and (2) Black Glass -- Black Glass is the most often found. Can be completely black or partially black. www.buttoncountry.com/BlackGlass1.html
Bone Usually made from bones from cattle. Many are plain with 2, 3, 4 or 5 holes but others are carved, rimmed or have added shanks. www.buttoncountry.com/OtherMat1.html
Box Shank Buttons with this specific name are also called Square Shank or Four-Way Shank. Only found on molded buttons, i.e., glass, celluloid, plastics.
Brass More buttons have been made from brass than an other material. Can be one piece or two piece. Used on uniforms.
Brocade Buttons made with this fabric feature raised designs. Mostly of dark colors -- brown, dark blue and black.
Bullet Plain ball-like uniform buttons with a flat back and loop shank.
Bulls-eyes Small white, dome-shaped China buttons decorated with colored, concentric circles. Flat or slightly rounded back and metal plate shank and wire shank. www.buttoncountry.com/china.html