Start making your plans to attend the 2017 Florida State Button Meeting & Show! Featured activities this year include a Button Bracelet Workshop and a Button Necklace Workshop, a presentation on how to market your button club and a program on Egypt and buttons. An extra fun surprise activity has been added for Friday night. You'll want to be there to be a part of FSBS Show history! Room rates are $128.75 per night, which include self-parking and resort fees. Reservation deadline is 12/10/2016. |
JOY of BUTTONS Art Contest
Prizes of $50, $30 and $20 will be awarded to the top three judged winners. There will also be a winner of popular vote by show attendees. Thanks go to MBA: Page Button Auctions, contest prizes sponsor. For more information about the Button Art Contest, click "Contest Info" below. |
This video is a personal recap of events at The Florida State Button Show and Meeting, which were held Jan. 14-17, 2016. The location was The Shores Resort in Daytona Beach Shores, where it will also be held in January 2017.